
Eileen; 14
I'm Born with Baby Fats, and Yes i Know it
Eileen Que Sera Sera

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hello, i'm back! (: you might be wondering why i'm helping eileen to post, it's because she simply has no time to blog, and she almost decided to quit blogging and delete her blog, so i volunteered to help her post, since i love blogging so much, haha. xD so, today, we had cca and had lots and lots of fun yo! :D we played football, cool eh? yeah, i know. but, the porblem lies with the equipment. we haven't got a real football, neither a fake one. :/ so, we used a greenish cap, HAHAHA. (x see, resourcefulness. (: at 6, we all went home. i took the bus whereas, eileen's parents fetched her from school, good right.. my father's too busy to fetch me home, sighs! :/ okay, erm, stopping here alrights? see ya! oh, i'll be helping eileen to link up links, so.. if you want to be linked OR relinked, please kindly tag on the tagboard, along with your link, thank you very, very much! byebye! signing off, w/ lots of love, 'NOT EILEEN'. :DD
Nitendo DS Lite
New HeadPhone
Grow 1Cm Taller
Grow 5cm Taller
May my baby Fats leave me
Contact Lenses
Be Happy Forever
Able to eat Choco Pie EVERYDAY
Hope to be rich when I grow up, when I have a stable job, which I think is Impossible
New Bags
More New Clothes
Be Pretty
Happy Forevaaar!
hello, i'm back! (: you might be wondering why i'm helping eileen to post, it's because she simply has no time to blog, and she almost decided to quit blogging and delete her blog, so i volunteered to help her post, since i love blogging so much, haha. xD so, today, we had cca and had lots and lots of fun yo! :D we played football, cool eh? yeah, i know. but, the porblem lies with the equipment. we haven't got a real football, neither a fake one. :/ so, we used a greenish cap, HAHAHA. (x see, resourcefulness. (: at 6, we all went home. i took the bus whereas, eileen's parents fetched her from school, good right.. my father's too busy to fetch me home, sighs! :/ okay, erm, stopping here alrights? see ya! oh, i'll be helping eileen to link up links, so.. if you want to be linked OR relinked, please kindly tag on the tagboard, along with your link, thank you very, very much! byebye! signing off, w/ lots of love, 'NOT EILEEN'. :DD