
Eileen; 14
I'm Born with Baby Fats, and Yes i Know it
Eileen Que Sera Sera

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i studied in SPRINGFIELD SECONDARY!Very happy.I think the school was quite good as it was big and tidy!My form teacher is MISS DOREEN LAU and my co form teacher,which was our history teacher is MRS MAUREEN TAN.Mrs tan very bad lor my fridge never touch my eye brown but it was at my side burn la,she go say me leh,stupid!My best friend in my class is Gueirui,she very cute lor!Hehe.My second friend is Dorenthea i think i don no how to spell her name haha!While choosing CCA,my first choice is MILITARY BAND my second choice is GB. my third choice is ...shh...cannot say haha while anyway,my friend will know haha but some i no time to tell my other friend haha sorry ahhh!!! :D What i like for subject is Chinese,D&T or maths.What i hate most is Language Art ,History or Science... Monday i gonna have D&T,Yippes!!!I nid to buy sketch book for it, cause we need to draw some design on the sketch book and then our teacher will teach use how to make or wat material we nid to use.If you have any more question please comment me on the text book or if you have my number you can call me la but not on school time.Haha! :D My school time is 7.00am--1.45pm but i got stay back sometime.bai seh ar haha BYE BYE!
Nitendo DS Lite
New HeadPhone
Grow 1Cm Taller
Grow 5cm Taller
May my baby Fats leave me
Contact Lenses
Be Happy Forever
Able to eat Choco Pie EVERYDAY
Hope to be rich when I grow up, when I have a stable job, which I think is Impossible
New Bags
More New Clothes
Be Pretty
Happy Forevaaar!
i studied in SPRINGFIELD SECONDARY!Very happy.I think the school was quite good as it was big and tidy!My form teacher is MISS DOREEN LAU and my co form teacher,which was our history teacher is MRS MAUREEN TAN.Mrs tan very bad lor my fridge never touch my eye brown but it was at my side burn la,she go say me leh,stupid!My best friend in my class is Gueirui,she very cute lor!Hehe.My second friend is Dorenthea i think i don no how to spell her name haha!While choosing CCA,my first choice is MILITARY BAND my second choice is GB. my third choice is ...shh...cannot say haha while anyway,my friend will know haha but some i no time to tell my other friend haha sorry ahhh!!! :D What i like for subject is Chinese,D&T or maths.What i hate most is Language Art ,History or Science... Monday i gonna have D&T,Yippes!!!I nid to buy sketch book for it, cause we need to draw some design on the sketch book and then our teacher will teach use how to make or wat material we nid to use.If you have any more question please comment me on the text book or if you have my number you can call me la but not on school time.Haha! :D My school time is 7.00am--1.45pm but i got stay back sometime.bai seh ar haha BYE BYE!